( Paragraph 1 )
Topic of paragraph 1 : Diving
Main idea of paragraph 1 : Diving is relatively non physical
Deyails in paragraph 1 :
1. Divings activity is not a high tempo.
2. Diving is done in the heavy medium of water, requiring a strength, and also done for extensive periods and requiring stamina.
( Paragraph 2 )
Topic of paragraph 2 : Preparation for diving.
Main idea of paragraph 2 : Some sprots that sustained for a good diving.
Details in paragraph 2 :
1. All sports in which cardiovascular a diving include jogging, cycling, swimming, and aerobic dance.
2. Do a litle “tuning up” by excercising yaur heart and lungs.
( Paragraph 3 )
Topic of paragraph 3 : Cardiovascular fitness
Main idea of paragraph 3 : Cardiovascular fitness in very important for divers.
Details in paragraph 3 :
1. Cardiovascular fitness means incroased circulation, this help keep divers warmer longer, and helps them stay alert.
2. And also means less work for the longs in getting oxygen into the blood, it is important in problem solving.
Selection 5
( Paragraph 1 )
Topic of paragraph 1 : Development of spanish culture
Main idea of paragraph 1 : Spanish-speaking has a higher birthrates.
Details in paragraph 1 :
1. In 1989, about 21 million spanish-speaking people were officially recorded of residing in the united states.
2. Spanish-speaking americans will soon out number to be a single largest minority group.
( Paragraph 2 )
Topic of paragraph 2 : Spanish speaking population
Main idea of paragraph 2 : The for major
Details in paragraph 2 :
1. The mexican, american, puerto ricans, cubans and people from central and south american countries.
2. Colombia and elsalvador are striking minority, especially in terms of educationand income
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